Lectures on YouTube about MSFD related topics
A number of lectures explaining in detail some specific aspects and research that has been carried out in relation to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and how to implement this into everyday planning.
Adaptive Management with Professor Laurence Mee
A lecture on adaptive management by Prof. Laurence Mee of the Scottish Association for Marine Science. This lecture is part of series of lectures on the Ecosystem Approach, designed to help managers with the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Developed as part of the KnowSeas project.
The Ecosystem Based Management System with Professor Rafael Sarda
A lecture on the Ecosystem Based Management System by Prof. Rafael CSIC. This lecture is part of series of lectures on the Ecosystem Approach, designed to help managers with the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Developed as part of the KnowSeas project.
Eutrophication and Hypoxia with Professor Nancy Rabalais
A lecture on the management of eutrophication and hypoxia by Prof. Nancy Rabalais of the Louisana University's Marine Consortium. This lecture is part of series of lectures on the Ecosystem Approach, designed to help managers with the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Developed as part of the KnowSeas project.