
Project Overview

Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status (RAGES) was a two-year project funded by DG Environment to support implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The project began in January 2019 and comprised a consortium of partners from Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal, including the competent authorities from each country. RAGES worked with the competent authorities to use international best practice in risk managment (ISO 30000, ISO3010) and work toward commom approaches to Risk-Based Management in implementation of MSFD. The RAGES project ended in June 2021. The main aim of RAGES was to:

Develop a risk-based approach to support coordinated regional and sub-regional implementation of the MSFD based on the commission decision on GES by providing
a replicable, transparent and standardised decision processes based on international best practice for risk management

RAGES focused on the waters under national jurisdiction of Ireland, Portugal and the Atlantic parts of the French and Spanish waters under national jurisdiction. Combined these make up the majority of European waters under national jurisdiction within the North East Atlantic Region. The study area included three sub-regions: The Celtic Seas, the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coasts and Macaronesia. These are illustrated in the map above.

The RAGES project is now complete- the ouputs of the project can be found here.

For more information about the project and its outputs you can find contact details for the project team here.