O'Higgins & Roth 2011. Integrating the Common Fisheries Policy and the Marine Strategy for the Baltic: Discussion of Spatial and Temporal Scales in the Management and Adaptation to Changing Climate. In: Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones Pre-publication version
Roth & O'Higgins 2010. Timelines, Expected outcomes and Management Procedures of the Maritime Strategy Framework Directive. A discussion of Spatial and Temporal Scales in the Management and Adaption to Climate Change. Proceedings of the Littoral 2010 Conference: adapting to global change at the coast.
Black Sea
Daskalov GM 2011 Ecosystem Shifts in the Black Sea. In Regime Shifts in Marine Ecosystems. European Parliament Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies: Fisheries
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Knudsen, S. 2013 “Marine Governance in the Black Sea”. Chapter to be published in Michael Gilek and Kristine Kern (eds.) Marine Governance in Europe, Ashgate. Revised and resubmitted June 2012.
Knudsen, S. and Koçak, H. 2011 'Through Boom and Bust. Coping with Poverty in Sea Snail Fisheries on the Turkish Black Sea Coast'. In Svein Jentoft og Arne Eide (eds.), Poverty Mosaics. Realities and Prospecs in Small Scale Fisheries.
Barausse A., Michieli A., Riginella E., Palmeri L., Mazzoldi C. 2011. Long-term changes in community composition and life-history traits in a highly exploited basin (northern Adriatic Sea): the role of environment and anthropogenic pressures. Journal of Fish Biology 79:1453–1486.
Cinnirella S, March D., O’Higgins T., Murciano C., Sardà R., Albaigés J., Pirrone N., 2012. A multidisciplinary Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Mediterranean to support implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure Research 7 323-351.
Cinnirella S., Graziano M., Albaigés J., Pon J., Murciano C., Pirrone N., 2013. Integrated assessment of chemical pollution in the Mediterranean Sea: Driver-Pressures-State-Welfare analysis. Ocean & Coastal Management
Barausse A., Palmeri L. 2012. A comparative analysis of trophic structure and functioning in large‐scale Mediterranean marine ecosystems. In: S. Goffredo, H. Baader, Z. Dubinsky. IN: The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. Springer (In press).
Pon, J. and J. Albaigés 2011 Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean. In "Life in the Mediterranean Sea: A look at habitat changes", pp: 681-717. Noga Stambler (Editor), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61209-644-5.
North East Atlantic/ North Sea
E. le Guilloux, J.M. Hall-Spencer, M.K. Söffker and K. Olu, 2010. Association between the squat lobster Gastroptychus formosus and cold-water corals in the North Atlantic. Journal of THe Marine Biological Assocaiation of the United Kingdom 90 1363-1369
Heymans et al. 2011. The Impact of Subsidies on the Ecological Sustainability and Future Profits from North Sea Fisheries. PLoS One 6 e20239
Hall-Spencer et al. 2009. Design of Marine Protected Areas on high seas and territorial waters of Rockall Bank Marine Ecology Progress Series 397 305-308.
Sabatier et al. 2011. 210Pb-226Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef Biogeosciences 9 1253-1265
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Söffker, M., Sloman KA, & Hall-Spencer J. 2011. In situ observations of fish associated with coral reefs off Ireland. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 58, Issue 8, p.818-825
Tittensor, D.P., Baco A.R., Hall-Spencer J.M., Orr J.C. & Rogers A.D. 2010. Seamounts as refugia from ocean acidification for cold-water stony corals. Marine Ecology 31 212-225
Busch, M, Kannen, A., Garth, S & Jessop, M. 2013. Consequences of a cumulative perspective on marine environmental impacts: Offshore wind farming and seabirds at the North Sea scale in the context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Ocean and Coastal Management 71 213-224
Management and management tools
Sarda et al. 2010 The Ecosystem-Based Management System: a formal tool for the management of the marine environment. Proceedings of the Littoral 2010 Conference: adapting to global change at the coast.
Bainbridge, J. Potts, T and O'Higgins, T. 2011 Rapid Policy Network Mapping: A New Method for Understanding Governance Structures for Implementa-tion of Marine Environmental Policy. PLoS One 6 e26149
Interactive Marine Spatial Planning: Siting Tidal Energy Arrays around the Mull of Kintyre Interactive Marine Spatial Planning: Siting Tidal Energy Arrays around the Mull of Kintyre. 2012. Karen A. Alexander, Ron Janssen, Gustavo Arciniegas, Timothy G. O'Higgins, Tessa Eikelboom2, Thomas A. Wilding. PLoS One
Making Robust Policy Decisions Using Global Biodiversity Indicators, 2012 Emily Nicholson, Ben Collen, Alberto Barausse, Julia L. Blanchard, Brendan T. Costelloe, Kathryn M. E. Sullivan, Fiona M. Underwood, Robert W. Burn, Steffen Fritz, Julia P. G. Jones, Louise McRae, Hugh P. Possingham, E. J. Milner-Gulland
Osterblom H, et al. 2010 Making the ecosystem approach operational — Can regime shifts in ecological - and governance systems facilitate the transition? Marine Policy
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McQuatters-Gollop, A. Challenges for implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in a climate of macroecological change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370
Potts, T., O'Higgins, T and Hastings, E. 2012 Oceans of opportunity or rough seas? What does the future hold for developments in European marine policy? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370 5682-5700.
Farmer, A.M. & Hjerp, P. 2011. From better to smart regulation – implications for EU Water Law. Journal of Water Law, 21: 137-144
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Ghermandi, A., P.A.L.D. Nunes. 2012 A Global Map of Costal Recreation Values:results from a spatially explicit meta-analysis. Ecological Economics 86 1-15
Bartolini, F., Barausse, A., Pörtner, H.O., Giomi, F. 2012. Climate change reduces offspring fitness in littoral spawners: a study integrating organismic response and long-term time-series. Global Change Biology 19 373-386
Barausse, A. 2011. The integrated functioning of marine ecosystems. PhD thesis. University of Padua.
Kletou, D. and Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2012. Threats to Ultraoligotrophic Marine Ecosystems . In: Marine Ecosystems. Antoni Cruzado Ed 1-34
European Lifestyles Marine Ecosystems Final output from the ELME project